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You make one by adding ashes (which are dropped by imps) to a fruit blast.

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Q: Where can you find a dirty blast on RuneScape?
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How can you get a dirty blast on RuneScape?

You have to make a type of cocktail at Grand Tree. You have to make the one with "Blast" in its name. Once that's done you have to use ashes on it. You will then have a dirty blast thanks for reading my answer.

What is a dirty blast on RuneScape?

It is a cocktail that Members can make as part of the "Recipe for Disaster" quest.

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No, it's not clear but I didn't find it to be as dirty as galveston. Had a blast either way!

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the only way is in kilgram go to blast furnace by it will be dwarfs selling ores and bars(u need to be member)

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You can't get dirty in your garden in runescape because i tried and have played and I'm lvl 135 my name is Yamin987

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Wind blast and water blast or too much with death runes, i strongly suggest using any kind of bolt, depending on your enemy. It is mildly priced right now, its worth it but blasts arent for your lvlFrom Sprgal126

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this is not runescape. Mithril is only on runescape.=/

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sorry don't know but ask on the runescape fourms

Where can you find an online RPG game like Runescape but better?

Runescape with membership.