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i think its somewhere in sinnoh

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Q: Where can you find a TM1 on Pokemon Diamond?
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Where can you find a TM1?

Oreburgh Gate

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You can find Pidey in a Pokemon Outbreak in Pokemon Diamond

Where do you get tm1 in Pokemon ruby?

go to the north rustboro (city where you get the rock badge) where the woman is, go to the beach and surf between the light brown rocks. You find a forest with 2 trainers and some weird looking berries, go in.near the karate guy you find some stairs and a pokeball, in that pokeball is tm1

How do you get TM1 in Pokemon emerald?

go to the north rustboro (city where you get the rock badge) where the woman is, go to the beach and surf between the light brown rocks. You find a forest with 2 trainers and some weird looking berries, go in.near the karate guy you find some stairs and a pokeball, in that pokeball is tm1

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where do i find a totodile in Pokemon diamond/pearl on nintendods

Where can you find menaphy in Pokemon Diamond?

You can not find or get manaphy on Pokemon diamond but you can by hacking, trading or... if you have Pokemon ranger you have to complete the manaphy mission and then you can put it onto diamond.

How do you find Ho-oh in Pokemon Diamond?

You can't find a Ho-ho in Pokemon Diamond. You have to migrate.

How cani find manaphy in Pokemon Diamond?

To get a Manaphy in Pokemon Diamond you have to get Pokemon ranger and defeat it and you have to trade it to Pokemon Diamond,Platinum or Pearl.

Where to find Yukishii in Pokemon Diamond?

its not a Pokemon

How rare is it to find a sunkern in Pokemon Diamond?

Not really that rare... in Pokemon Diamond you can find Sunkerns on Route 204

Were to find the national pokedex on Pokemon Diamond?

you have to catch all of the pokemon in diamond or SEE all of the pokemon

Were can you find Legendre Pokemon on diamond?

you can find legendary Pokemon by using your Pokemon tracker