Route 208, Route 210 (After obtaining the National Pokedex, insert Sapphire cartridge into your DS).
Route 208 with sapphire inserted into your ds
The only way is the Pal Park.
In Sapphire and Emerald, you can find Seviper at Route 114. In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, Route 208(Sapphire has to be in the GBA slot.).
I need to use the bathroom
Of course not!
Route 208 with sapphire inserted into your ds
You can find Seviper in Diamond, but you'll need Pokémon Sapphire as well. If you put Sapphire in the GBA slot, you can find Seviper at routes 208 and 210. It's rare and will be level 26 at route 210 and level 18 at route 208.
seviper can't be found anywhere
The only way is the Pal Park.
You can get Lotad, Lombre, Sableye, Seviper and Lunatone.
In Sapphire and Emerald, you can find Seviper at Route 114. In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, Route 208(Sapphire has to be in the GBA slot.).
no Pokemon evolves into seviper
No only seviper
At Safrai Zone
Seviper is a Poison type pokemon.
You can get seviper from Pokemon sapphire by trading.
Seviper does not evolve.