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I think one of the prizes for the Pokeathlon was a firestone.

*NOTE* The prizes change each day.
There are a few ways you can get it, one is to come 1st in the Bug catching contest at National Park, another way is to win the Pokeathlon, or in Kanto, you can show Bill a growlithe or a vulpix and he will give you one.
Either from the "warm beach" route on the pokewalker. By showing bill's grandfather a growlithe on request. For winning the bug-catching contest (sometimes) or bought at the pokeathlon dome on a Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday
There are five ways, one by pokeathlon - two by bug catching contest(i think) - three by getting in captured Pokemon - four by getting in the getting lost items or dropped in the routes and forest etc. and five by trade or import from GBA games.

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Q: Where can you find a Firestone in Pokemon HeartGold?
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