in the route below goldenrod city [the route where the daycare is]
In Pokémon SoulSilver, you can find Ditto in Routes 35 and 47 and you can also find it in the Safari Zone and in the Cerulean Cave. It's very uncommon in the Routes, in the Safari Zone and in the Cerulean Cave. You can only enter the Cerulean Cave after you have all 16 Gym Badges. Ditto at Level 17 will appear in the Wetland area of the Safari Zone however Level 41 Ditto will appear after you have placed 15 Water Objects in the Wetland area of the Safari Zone.
You will get Cinderquil eggs.
you get a baby ditto
Breed in the daycare with ditto
(you don't find it you breed 2 magmar and when egg hatches you've got magby)You don't necessarily have to breed two magmar's you could just get a ditto and breed a magmar with the ditto, as with anyother Pokemon except legendary Pokemon.By the pokewalker.
you can find ditto on route 36 which is north of goldenrod cityoutside of goldenrod by the day care
See related link for details.
yes, in the grass near goldenrod city
ditto does not evolve
You can find them in tall grass and catch them, so yes, you do get to see them.
Cerulean Cave
with a ditto
Yes you can breed ditto with any Pokemon and the baby is the Pokemon you have breeded ditto with.exapale;[ratta +ditto =ratta ][eevee + ditto =eevee]
i am pretty sure a ditto can breed with anything, as long as it has a gender.
you cannot breed ditto with ditto.
Anywhere you can find a ditto, like below goldenrod (in heartgold), just keep looking till you find one. That is the only legit way I know, unless you get it in a trade.