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bug catching contest in the national park..on thrusday and tuedays (not sure if tuesdays but thrusdays for sure)

scyther is just uncommon, not rare so it wont be that hard to find..

normall range of level between 15 & 18
Catch it in the Bug-Catching Contest.
The Bug Catching Contest just north of Goldenrod City. That contest occurs at Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Appearance rate is just about 5% for a Scyther (in the tall grass only), so save before you enter, and be prepared to restart!
beforeNational dex

You can encounter Scyther in the Bug Catching Contest on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, but only before obtaining the National Dex.

after National dex

You can encounter Scyther in the Bug Catching Contest on the following days after obtaining the National Dex: Tuesdays, Thursday, Saturday

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Q: Where can you find Scyther on Pokemon HeartGold?
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Were do you find a Scyther in Pokemon HeartGold?

Bug catching contest.

Where do you get Scyther in Pokemon White?

YOU cant actually find a scyther but you can do poketransfer on other Pokemon games like Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver.

Is syther in Pokemon HeartGold?

Its Scyther and yea he is.

Where can you find scyther on Pokemon White?

You cannot find a scyther in Pokemon white

Where do you get a sleythar in Pokemon HeartGold?

Scyther can be captured during the bug catching contest in the national park.

Where do you get scyther HeartGold?

You can find Scyther in the National Park, but only at Tuesdays, Thursdays and maybe Saturdays at the Bug-cathing contest.

Where do you find Scyther in Pokemon Diamond?

Scyther can be found (rarely) on Route 229.

Where can you find Scyther on Pokemon Black?


Where and what time of day can you find a Scyther in Pokemon Pearl?

easy-find someone with it and thn migrate it- find it in the pal park all day scyther is not in Pokemon pearl

What level does scyther evolve on heartgold?

Scyther evolves when it is traded holding a metalcoat

On Pokemon indigo were do you get scyther?

You can find Scyther at The place where sydney(elite four) is if you walk around :)

How do you find Scizor in Pokemon platinum?

Catch a Scyther. Then get a Metal Coat. Attach that to Scyther and then trade.