MININOVA heres a link to Pokemon film on mininova
To put movies on your AK2i you will need 3 things.MoonShell installed on your AK2iA videoA video converter (Super is a good one)All you need to do is convert the video to .DPG format, then put it in your "Movies"(or whatever you have chosen)folder, then run the .DPG file in MoonShell on your AK2i.
On Cartoon Network They Show Pokemon Movies.
The only official place in which you can watch Pokemon Movies for free and online is through Pokemon TV which is an area of the official Pokemon site.
you can see full movies without downloading them on they have the newest Pokemon movies and every episode too and they get the absolutally new episodes for black and white series too
in to my copecut
There are programs such as BatchDPG that can convert common video formats to DPG.
There is a website called, it stands for Game Boy Advanced The Movie Way, btu the dpg's here will work an your R4 fine; go make an account on it and then go to forums, go down to the media section, to the DPG video section. Then in there you will find alot of movies, even ones still in theatres and tv show and series. here you can download infinate dpg videos, as many as you want! and there are discussions on movies or videos you want to see on the website and a more active user will most likely put it up for you :) OR you can get a dpg video converter off the internet and get and movie file you want and turn it into a dpg yourself, although i do not recommend this because it is far more complicated than it sounds, Enjoy :) -Adekay try using its free to join you can download up to 5 games or 2 dpg files per week without having pay extra.
MoonShell can play dpg files, it doesn't matter what the file name is.
To put movies on your AK2i you will need 3 things.MoonShell installed on your AK2iA videoA video converter (Super is a good one)All you need to do is convert the video to .DPG format, then put it in your "Movies"(or whatever you have chosen)folder, then run the .DPG file in MoonShell on your AK2i.
The duration of DPG Eulogy is 1.8 hours.
DPG Eulogy was created on 2005-08-23.
go to google and write [dpg king]
Check out They have movies, epsodes and Mini -series.
R4 Carts are compatible with .dpg files. The cart will need to have the moonshell folders installed. A good media conversion program (does avi to dpg) can be found by searching 'Super NDS media' in google. On the R4 cart create a folder within the _system_ directory calling it movies and save the .dpg files into that folder. When running the moonshell on the DS you can then browse the folder and play the files.
Yes, there is.Simply Google: free dpg converter.There are numerous results to choose from.
it uses .dpg format. You need to download a dpg converter