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Q: Is Pokemon in the movies
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Related questions

How many Pokemon movies were ever made?

13 movies of Pokemon

Was Richie ever in an pokemon movies?

No, he didn't appear in any pokemon movies.

What channel can you watch Pokemon movies on the satellite?

On Cartoon Network They Show Pokemon Movies.

How many Pokemon movies?

There are 12th Pokemon movies in japan in u.s.a there's only 11 movies the new one is coming out on 2010

How many movies is misty the girl in on pokemon?

Misty appeared in the first 5 Pokemon movies.

How can you watch Pokemon movies free and online?

The only official place in which you can watch Pokemon Movies for free and online is through Pokemon TV which is an area of the official Pokemon site.

Is Pokemon dessert real?

No pokemon dessert is not real you see it in the pokemon movies get a life

Are there Pokemon movies that are unanimated?

i wish... :)

Were to get Pokemon clips?

from the actual movies

Where can you download free Pokemon movies?

you can see full movies without downloading them on they have the newest Pokemon movies and every episode too and they get the absolutally new episodes for black and white series too

What are all the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl movies called?

There is no movies. Only the DS games.

In which shops is Pokemon movies sold?
