Try Pokemon indigo its the same thing as Pokemon crater Digimon, Jade Cocoon, Monster Galaxy Read more:
sorry but there isn't anything like the crater it was unique nothing can copy it sorry i was sad when Pokemon crater got shutdown to:(:(:(:(. Pokemon tpm Actually there is a game like crater. It's called pokemonlake and it is almost copying it except you can move a lot faster and catch as many legends as you want. Bad side is you still have to beat the Pokemon leagues from all regions. Once you beat the elite four in Pokemon lake from all regions, you may not find legends right away but if you keep looking, you'll find them. Actually Pokemon crater is back online it is now new and improved than before and I encourage everyone to play it
YOU cant actually find a scyther but you can do poketransfer on other Pokemon games like Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver.
it makes u have an easy get away from wild Pokemon just like the pokedoll and smoke ball
Try Pokemon indigo
no. that's only in online games like Pokemon crater
try this game it is pretty much exactly like it.
yes try searching online Pokemon games and u can find something. One That I Really Like Is Pokemon Indigo it is tons of fun. Also If U search Pokemon Crater On Google or Something U Can Find Nintendo Made One Almost Like It Cool Too
Vitial gameboy
yes there are online games for Pokemon below are some of which i know of: Pokemon Crater, Pokemon Indigo, Pokemon volano, Pokemon Black. and that is all i know of at this time :D
Pokemon indigo.
The only other one I know of is Pokemon Indigo. And I don't know if even that will work.
Please see related link. looks exactly like Pokemon crater XD its the same thing as Pokemon crater Digimon, Jade Cocoon, Monster Galaxy Read more:
Well, you can download a game like that. But it takes after Pokemon Ruby. And also, I think there is a website called Pokemon Crater, but it got deleted or something like that.
If you like crater, it is back, along with indigo