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You should be able to go to your pokedex and find "Mr. Mime". From there it should tell you.

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Q: Where can you find Mr Mime in Pokemon Diamond?
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Where to get mr. mime in Pokemon diamond?

i got a mime jr. at the trophy garden but they are rare, you can evolve mime jr. by knowing mimic.

How can Mime Jr learn Teeter Dance in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Make a Mr Mime or Mime Junior have sex with a Pokemon that knows teeter dance and pull out the egg with a mime junior knowing teeter dance.

Were do you find the 122 Pokemon in plautm?

Route 218 or 222. Or can evolve Mime Jr. into a Mr. Mime.

Where do you get Mr Mime in Pokemon FireRed?

You can trade an Abra for Mr. Mime in a house on Route 3 in Pokemon FireRed.

How do you get mime jr in Pokemon HeartGold?

this Pokemon does not exist in the game leafgreen leafgreen is a Third Generation game and the Pokemon mime jr only exists in the Fourth Generation games (Pokémon Pearl / Diamond).

What is the fastist Pokemon?

mr. mime

Where do you get mr mime in Pokemon emerald?

Mr mime is not obtainable in emerald so you must trade one from firered or leafgreen that has gotten mr mime also a shadow mr mime is in Pokemon xd gale of darkness after beating the game and purifying it you can transfer it to emerald.

What episode of Pokemon did Ash's Mom catch Mr. Mime in?

Ash's Mom acquires Mr. Mime in the episode titled "It's Mr Mime Time."

How do you bread a mr mime to get mime jr in Pokemon soulsilver?

give mr mime an odd incense and breed it with ditto in day-care

How do you find mime jr in Pokemon pearl?

In the Trophy Garden behind Mr. Backlot's house.

Where do you find Mr mime on Pokemon HeartGold?

You can find him at Route 21, the Safari Zone, and the Celadon Game Corner

How do you get mr mime?

you can find mr. mime is in route 218 where you can find ditto. you have to run through the grass