You can find Marty in the common room.
Chat with our AI personalities is GREAT.You can choose to either be a fashion designer or a fashion buyer. If you are a buyer you can set up a new store, choose where to put it, decorate it and choose which things to buy. then you can run around trying to get friends and sending out mail promotions to get customers. You can shop at other stores or commission designers to make you something specific for contests.If you want to DESIGN FASHION, then you can be a fashion designer right away. Everyone has a ton of things to design with and you can buy new fabric from others or pay to become a VIP and make your own. You don't have to be a VIP to play and have fun though. There are so many little pieces of trim and stuff to make everything unique. Plus there are costume contests and you can go shopping. You can also rate other people's designs to make more money to use in your own designs!I love fashion. As an artist I love to play with color, texture and design and I like how fashion makes art personal and wearable in a widespread way. I enjoy playing on a site caled fashionfantasygame, which I am not affiliated with. I'm mentioning this because I find that while children are drawn to this game to design clothing or act as store-owners, I (let's just say that I'm considerably older than 21 and leave it at that!) love the social aspect of the game and the ability to tailor each pice of clothing and make it as intricate as I like. I think that other designers and aspiring designers would also enjoy playing with seemingly simple but ultimately addictive game. The object is merely to be successful and to enjoy the act of design and business.I hope to see you there.Candice ConnellSchoo1ofFashionon http://www.fashionfantasygame.comRead more: Fashion_games_like_stardoll
Montagnard Bracelets. Took me a long time to find this answer.
One can find blue scarves at many clothing and fashion retailers like J. Crew, Gap, Macy's, Nordstrom, and Kohl's. Additionally, these scarves can be purchased online from websites like Amazon, Overstock, deb, and eBay.
Well, has their last webisode Fashion Emergency. And one girl games site, which has the kitty dressup game and the doghouse decorating game, isn't too hard to find with google. Those are the only ones I could find though.
They have to design the visuals/ao/ audio. They create the theme, the levels, etc. In generalization; Effects.They also have to find the people to test the game and make sure that everything is running smoothly during the game-creating process.
i cant even figure it out either!!!!!!
tyra banks
I don't know I've been trying to find out.
The key is in Nelson's suitcase.You can find him in the Common Room.
I was stuck on this one too but i looked more on other websites and this is what i found., 2 are in the designer's room 1 in the floor's corridor 1 in the photo studio and 1 in the office
Where can you find books about Cecilia Cassini?"
The Nintendo DS has a fashion designer game entitled "Imagine: Fashion Designer" that is rated E for everyone. There are also numerous fashioner designer games available on the DS platform as well as other platforms, such as "Mission: Runway" available on the PC.
A person would find a good deal for some fashion designer clothes online. Some websites that offer big discounts on fashion designer clothes include Bluefly and I-ELLA.
Download the cheatbook database 2000. And there you my search to find this game and all the cheat codes & hints will be in front of you i is thanking yousss
Marty the dog is in the common room. You have to give him the dog toy (its a green ball that can be found in one of thecorridors. After that, walk out of the common room. He will follow you (NOTE : DO NOT SE THE MAP). Then go to the lift, and to the 20th floor. Again, Marty will follow you. Go into the Design Room and talk to Kim Doherty. She will want you to clean up the mess Marty has made in the common room (there are clothes thrown everywhere). I haven't gotten through this part yet.
A freelance designer in the fashion industry will work for himself or herself. They have no direct boss, but also may find it harder to get work.
To become a fashion designer you have to, first find a fashion school that works for you, next apply to a school, and then a lot of other things. If you want more info or the full list of steps, please go to: designer/.