In the map, select vasalakar lair. There u can find Galanoth. do his quest and unlock his shop to buy a new Armour called dragon slayer. It looks like the Galanoth's Armour
Do the random quest at Galanoth.
You could get the Dragonslayer in Aqworlds by completing all quests Og Galanoth in Dragon Lair.
You can find Galanoth in the Dragon Lair which is right in the right hand corner of the map at the very top. click on it. walk past the water draconian monsters and keep following the path. you will then see a figure with an exclamation mark above their head. That is Galanoth. if you diddn't know this listen. if you do all of Galanoths QUESTS exept the one named dragonslayer, the shop can buy the dragon slayer armour for 10,000 gold there. note.the dragon slayer armour isn't free but non- members can use it. also,the armour looks exactly the same as what Galanoth is wearing. pretty awesome yeah!
type in the chat bar /join lair and send do all the quests of galanoth.
in elemental but u have to complete everything and every quest
Do the random quest at Galanoth.
no you get it from a quest from galanoth in vasalkar lair the second to last quest
you must complete the last quest (dragon marshall) that galanoth has for you, but to do that you need to do all the free user quests before that.
Just click the dragon amulet at the bottom of the screen, click quest log at the top-right of the screen, and scroll down until you see dragesvard (or something like that). Click on it, then you should be at an icy place, and Galanoth will be standing there.
In Vasalkar Lair. Galanoth sells it for mem.
You must talk to Galanoth and do his quest and he will level up your DragonSlayer class.
you have to complete the second quest in the Galanoth Saga on Dragesvard
You must complete Galanoth's quests and buy the armour in his shop.
you need to finish galanoth quest first :D hope this help
You need to be 6 to play adventure quest
Go to galanoth in Dragesvard and the click the button that says become a dragonslayer. (Note: you have to have a dragonslayer armor by having an ice dragon scale in Galanoth's random quests.) Click the button that says train. Do the quest and roll the red button in the end. If you have 70 and up you get one enchanting stone. If you get 70 and below, you don't get an enchanting stone. Galanoth will teach you a skill if you give him an enchnting stone. (Note: you don't need a dragon amulet to have a dragonslayer armor) I've completed one of Galanoth's random quest and I got an Ice Dragon Scale. Galanoth gave me a Dragonslayer armor when I gave him an Ice Dragon Scale.
Travel to Dragon Stone and talk to Galanoth. He has a shop that sells dragon slayer armor.