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Do the random quest at Galanoth.

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Q: How do you get an ice dragon scale in dragonfable?
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Where did quest the ice dragon scale in dragonfable?

go to dragesvard then do random quest finish it then you'll receive it!

How do you become a dragon on aq?

u have to get an ice dragon scale from a ramdom quest then use the the scale to buy it

How do you become a dragon slayer in dragonfable?

First go to the where is ice then you find galanoth click on classes there you go

How do you get a dragon on dragonfable?

To recive a dragon on Dragonfable, you must purchase a $20 Dragon Amulet. This allows your baby dragon to grow.

How do you become a dragon slayer on AQ?

u have to get an ice dragon scale from a ramdom quest then use the the scale to buy it

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How do you beat general varax in dragonfable?

press final blowdoubletripledefendpowerdoubletripledefendpowerdoubletripledefendpowerdo all that and get the ice sword when you are defeating the fire dragon also equip valencia,artix and your pet dragon but change his element to ice

How do you get skills to be a dragonslayer on dragonfable?

Go to galanoth in Dragesvard and the click the button that says become a dragonslayer. (Note: you have to have a dragonslayer armor by having an ice dragon scale in Galanoth's random quests.) Click the button that says train. Do the quest and roll the red button in the end. If you have 70 and up you get one enchanting stone. If you get 70 and below, you don't get an enchanting stone. Galanoth will teach you a skill if you give him an enchnting stone. (Note: you don't need a dragon amulet to have a dragonslayer armor) I've completed one of Galanoth's random quest and I got an Ice Dragon Scale. Galanoth gave me a Dragonslayer armor when I gave him an Ice Dragon Scale.

Is there any way to upgrade your dragon in Dragonfable?

get a dragon amulet

What is a DA in dragonfable?

it is a dragon amulet

Where do you get a dragon amulet on dragonfable?

You have to buy it.

Where do you get dragon scales in Dragon Fable?

If Ice scales count, just go to dragesvard, go to that guy and go on random quest. In one of them, you fight a dragon and if you win, you get an ice scale.