They have episode 1-24 on TV Nihon Tracker. They will probably upload the last three episodes, though I don't know when...
This is the best source I've found so far, but I still have to find a way to get those three last episodes...
You can also find them on YouTube.
you can watch it at ''
There are 155 English versions. In total there are 180 episodes. The rest are in Japanese, but you can watch them with the subbed version.
Yes, it is subbed by Zulshin (although epsiode 156 parts 1 & 2 have been blocked cuz of 4Kids! tv) and justdoinatest on Youtube
Apparently you can't. Thanks to the U.S. Digital Millenium act or whatever, almost all subbed episodes of 5d's (God knows why) have been removed/blocked/deleted. You might try just googling whatever episode in particular u want to watch, then just keep clicking search results until you find what you need. Edit: Try I found the episode I was driving myself nuts trying to find in eng subs (the americans are pansies, they took out all the good stuff in the dubs) is the best site to watch db Kai eps. u can also watch it at But if you try to watch it at that website dragonball Kai wont be in English budded it will be in English subbed everything else will be in English dubbed they also have dragonball, dragonball z, and dragonball gt to you can watch it on nicktoons it comes on every day and new episodes comes on Wednesday-Thursday with the new episodes at 8 and it will premiere on cw4kids on August 14 th
Now all 27 have been subbed but hard to find!!!!!!! or you can DOWNLOAD EPISODES FREE AT or or you could go to and watch new English subbed episodes every Thursday + read the manga + download the episodes
Crunchy Roll has legal anime episodes. Hulu also has it.
It's Ready!
you can download ( which I recommend for better quality) on bleach exile and euhm yugioh fan site UK or so , and you can watch online on youtube or AOL for now it is only episode 1 that is subbed, but I'm patiently waiting for 2 to come out.. atleast subbed now thay have ep 1 to 22 sub i am still looking 4 23-on
Well the series is made subbed
As of now, there is NO season 2, therefore, it cannot be subbed.
Yu-gi-oh season 0 is all called Yu-gi-oh: the shadow games and can be found on youtube and also most episodes have been subbed but the videos arent always of very good quality. But finding a good quality version is almost impossible.
It depends; I do not personally know of sites for dubbed/English episodes; but for subbed Japanese episodes, has many subbed episodes, in good quality.
well, i believe there are only 39 episodes in the pure season...and I believe they should be getting it subbed around the end of july, if not sooner (or later, possibly august!)...hope i could be of help to you...thats all i really know!!
Some of the episodes are on Veoh and on YouTube.
No, it was half subbed and half raw.