Yu-Gi-Oh! GX is set 10 years after the original series. This means that Yugi Muto was then 26 during Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.
he isn't his dad because they bump into each other
Right now, Yugi isn't in Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's, even though he was in the original series and in Yu-Gi-Oh GX. But, since 5d's isn't over, I hope he comes. :)
Here's an accurate list. Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 1: Yami and Yugi summon it to defeat Kaiba. (Episode 1) Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 2: A rare hunter uses it against Joey, then Yugi next episode. Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 3: Gozabura Kaiba summons Necross against Seto Kaiba. Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 5: Pharaoh Atem's protector/Grandpa summon the actual exodia. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Season 3: Yubel and later Adrian uses an Exodia deck. I haven't gotten to the undubbed season, or GX or Zexal. but so far its only been used in those 6 arcs/8 episodes.
He is in the first episode, he gives Judai the Winged Kuriboh card. He appears at the end too.
It was considered too depressing and had blood and was also intensely creepy
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX is set 10 years after the original series. This means that Yugi Muto was then 26 during Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.
you are an idiot eBay thiko
yugi hasn't appeared in any game or serie since yu-gi-oh GX started... yugi was only seen at the beginning of the yu-gi-oh GX anime, and at the final duel of that same anime... but not in the games...
nope yugi just manages to beat jaden
It is episode 18 and 19.
*SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!* Alexis travels abroad to continue her studies. Then, she becomes a teacher at Duel Academy. If you want to watch it, it's the fourth season of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, the one 4kids never subbed.
he does not because he brought it back
The producers of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX decided to stop making Yu-Gi-Oh! GX when they got to episode 156 (the last episode of season one), even when Japan finished their fourth season. They decided to go straight to Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. But, you can watch Yu-Gi-Oh! GX episode 156-180 with subtitles on youtube or google videos.
there is threeyo gi oh - yugiyo gi oh 5ds - yusaiyo gi oh gx - jadenapparently there is a ne one coming called yugi , yusai and jadenYugi Moto AND Yami Yugi The Pharaoh
he isn't his dad because they bump into each other
no syrus was voiced by Wayne grayso and yugi was voiced by dan green hope this helped