you can download rare characters of Dragon Ball Z,gt and af from
No but around levels 20-50 you will start to get rare items. All secret codes do is unlock gold and characters.
clone pokemons with rare candy's on it and u have lots of candy
you will have to get a tt ds chip from game stores and tell the to download pokemon emerald it will take up 5 dollars then go to cheats and press infinity rare candys
Torrent sites, such as demonoid or emuparadise, also some rare sites have a full download that does not require torrenting, demonoid is a good site and all ,but its registration is rarely up
No. Pokemon isn't worth a PSP. Unless it is really rare Pokemon or lots of em. Try selling a lot or Pokemon or really rare kinds. It would help you save up for a PSP.
here you go its very rare for a website/group to give a Bleach game for PC Here you can find lots of bleach mugen characters
Mugen is a 2d fighting game where you can download characters, like naruto, sasuke, inuyasha, and some characters are really hard to find because there rare, you can get screen packs which you can learn how to put on it on you tube, and it changes the life bars and the screens and has different character screens.
I don't know what it is but i checked Google and we'll here it is, I even might download it can download it at http://pokenoy.comand it in 2.1 Beta version.. you can also find lots Pokemon games there.. all for free...but youll need to register first, don't worry that is a cool Pokemon website.. i really enjoy surfing hehehheBut, pokenoys download link is downTry here :
Give it rare candies, lots and lots of rare candies.
GoGo Crazy Bones released a number of rare characters per series. The rare characters are not decided by solely by color. However, when looking for rare characters, collectors are aware of the color combinations, facial designs, and names that designate "rare."
NOhappiny is not rare you can find is evolution in lots of places!!
you have to buy actionreplay and get lots of rare candies
use the missingo cheat
no lots of guitars do
It would be rare, but not very rare. Lots of people would still have them. The Eireann 1931 "Proof" Shilling is quite rare.
If by 'rare' you mean hard to find then look to the related link below .