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i dunno if this helps...

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Q: Where can you download golden sun tilesets for RPG maker xp?
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How do you add other objects to the side of RPG maker xp?

Go to Database and then Tilesets

Where can you download RPG maker xp?

Is it safe to download RPG maker vx or is there a history of viruses in the software?

Do not download it!

How can you createe your own RPG?

You can creat your own RPG if you know programming and have the right applications. Or you can use RPG Maker. Just go to a search engine and type in "RPG Maker download" and you will find it.

Where can you download an RPG maker 4 Pokemon?

They don't exist.

Where can you download a Pokemon RPG maker that works?

no dude but i wish

Where can you download the Pokemon RPG Maker 2003 for English?

It does not exist you have to download the Pokemon Starter for RPG Maker 2003. I have RPG Maker XP and you need a starter Kit.

Where can you download the Pokemon starter kit for RPG maker 2003?

you most buy it

Where can you download a naruto starter kit for RPG maker xp?

Google it, It works

Where can I download a free Rpg maker XP Not game maker or anyother stupid thing like that just RPG maker Xp?

RPGMaker is not a free program. although, you can actually download the trial of the program which I believe will last for a month. I also recommend not insulting programs.

Is there a RPG maker that you dont download?

Yes. There is one for the PlayStation and two for the playstation 2.

Where do you download RPG Maker VX?

You can download it from the official website. As doesn't allow links, I'll just tell you to search "rpg maker vx ace" (no quotes) in google and click the first one. Hope this helps! -Aezub