1. go to Pokecommunity.com
2. Go to "Game Development"
3. Find "Pokemon Essentials"
This is a starter kit to make Pokemon games in RPG Maker XP
pkm essentials, probably.....
pokestarter is an rpg xp download so just type in google search engine rpg xp pokestarter download
i dunno if this helps... YT video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wq3EINBIBs Rapidshare: http://rs260.rapidshare.com/files/110343776/Tilesets.zip Download and use at your own risk!
Not officially, but there is something similar: Lightning Yellow is a Remake of the original Pokémon Yellow for PC. It is created using RPG Maker XP and the Pokémon Essentials starter kit.
you can! onli you want to download: 1. RPG maker XP 2. RPG maker XP's keygenerator (keygen) 3. pokestarter then you can create a game.
go to google and type in pokemon essisatials download's it contains all the scripts to get you started and it also contains all the nessarary pokemon.
It does not exist you have to download the Pokemon Starter for RPG Maker 2003. I have RPG Maker XP and you need a starter Kit.
RPG Maker XP happened in 2009.
Just Google search "Pokemon Starter Kit RMXP" There are a few of them.Here's one: http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=361278
Google it, It works
RPGMaker is not a free program. although, you can actually download the trial of the program which I believe will last for a month. I also recommend not insulting programs.
RPG Maker - PlayStation - was created on 1997-11-27.
pkm essentials, probably.....
up ur butt
go to the website, http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/22121/t1160334-pokemon-starter-kit/ and it will show you on the first post you can download either the full thing or the source