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I know this answer may be late, but the Creator of Freedom Fighters 2 "MugenHunter" just released Freedom Fighters 2 Plus, which is an upgrade of the original, not too long ago. Here is a link to it.

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Q: Where can you download freedom fighters 2 sonic mugen?
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How do you get super sonic for mugen?

get the download file

Who is the leader of the freedom fighters in sonic satam?

Many say is Sally Acorn but it's really Sonic who is the leader of the freedom fighters Sally is more of a second in command to the freedom fighters

Will there be a sonic freedom fighters movie?

well the freedom fighters are shown in Sonic the Hedgehog series and Sonic Underground series. both series are tv series.

Where can you download sonic the fighters 2?

Well if there is a real "Sonic Fighters 2," then try going on where you normally download games.

Where can you download sonic the fighters?

How do you download sonic the fighters?

Sonic the fighters is not downloadable, most people say it's illegal, and for those of you saying that there is a sonic the fighters 2 and it's downloadable, then you are wrong. There is no sonic the fighters 2.

Where yo can download sonic speed fighters?

You can download it by asking the creator Neo Fire Sonic.

Where can you download shadic for mugen?

Shadic is the fusion of sonic and shadow from the Sonic the Hedgehog games. You cannot download a skin to play as him as of yet. But rumor has it one is in the works.

Where can you download Dark Super Sonic for Mugen?

Im just saying any video or anything you lookin at they just put some stuff on it or mustive been a lie well I paint a Dark Super Sonic and animate it before here is a link for it: Fgaara it says gaara but the guy screwed up when he posted it.

How do you find sonic mugen characters?

on www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic character pack and on mugen masters there should be a sonic battle pack but no super sonic. www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic pack and on mugen master's there should be every character for sonic battle.