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At victory road............ in the water....

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Q: Where can you catch a whiscash in emerald?
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Where do you catch Whiscash in Sapphire?

Catch a barboach at meteor falls and evolve it.

Weakness of whiscash in emerald?

grass Pokemon 4x strength over whiscash.use them

What are the champion's Pokemon in emerald?

Wailord Ludicolo Milotic Gyrados Whiscash Tentacruel, there all about 55-60lvl

Can you catch Celebi in Emerald?

No you cannot catch Celebi in Pokemon Emerald.

Where can you catch Ledyba in emerald?

No I don't believe you can catch a ledyba in emerald

Can you list the Pokémon of the elite4 in Pokémon emerald?

well, the champion's Pokemon are crawdawnt, whiscash, kingdra, and a few more

What Pokemon are i missing in emerald?

?Currently have Absol, skarmory, whiscash, gardivoir and slaking. Debating machoke or manetric, what do you think?

How do you catch Lunatone in Pokemon Emerald?

You can onl catch LUNATONE in SAPPHIRE but you can catch solrock in emerald

Where to catch a Roselia in emerald version?

You can't catch it in Emerald. T-T

Can you catch manaphy in emerald?

yes you can catch a Manaphy on emerald. (if you have a game shark)

Can you catch Groudon in Pokemon emerald?

Yes, You can catch Groudon in Pokemon Emerald.

Where do you catch gastly in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't catch one in Pokemon Emerald.