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It is sort of wierd, but there is no such thing as a giant remoraid. You need to catch a bunch of them and then you need to go to the guy that wants you to bring him them with a full party of remoraids. Then, talk to him over and over again, while changing the remoraid thet is in the front of your party each time, and you mighthave a huge one for him. No need to thank me [:-)

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Q: Where can you catch a giant remoraid in Pokemon pearl?
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How can you catch a remoraid in Pokemon pearl?

Use a good rod in any of the places it says in the pokedex. To catch an Octilery, use a super rod. (Octilery evolves from Remoraid)

Where to catch remoraid in Pokemon Pearl?

you have to fish it with a good rod at the Pokemon league. hope this helps or at the route before sunnyshore city. !~ Emily

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you have to catch a mantyke and level up with remoraid in your party.

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Almost anywhere using a good rod

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Octillarty does evolve into anything, remoraid evolves into octillary

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