You must have a remoraid on your team, then raise Mantyke one level, and it will evolve, it doesn't matter what level it is on. The remoraid won't disappear either.
Not available in that generation of games. Mantyke is a Diamond/Pearl pokemon.
You can't fish up Mantyke. You have to surf to find it. Try Route 223.
Mantyke evolves into Mantine when leveled up with a Remoraid in the party. Mantyke is #458 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation IV Pokemon titles (Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum) where it could be found on Route 223, and (Diamond and Pearl only) in Sunyshore City. In Generation VI (X and Y), it can be found in Azure Bay, Shalour City, and on Route 12. ____ You just need a Mantyke and a Remoraid. Level up your Mantyke somewhere with Remoraid in your party, then Mantyke will evolve. It's just that simple.
In HeartGold, give a Mantine the Wave Incense and breed it. The egg with hatch into a Mantyke.
Route 223 (Water Surface)
You need to level the Mantyke up with a Remoraid in your party.
at level 55
Not available in that generation of games. Mantyke is a Diamond/Pearl pokemon.
Rampardos- at level 30.
Buneary you meant? You need to make it have high happiness.
attach it to a mantine and breed to get a mantyke
You can't fish up Mantyke. You have to surf to find it. Try Route 223.
Go to route 223 or Sunnyshore City and use surf
level it up while having a remoraid in your party/team
Mantyke is a Water and Flying type pokemon.
all you have to do is get mantyke and put it in you party then get remoraid and put it in your party then get mantyke up one level and it will evolve if you dont have remoraid you can catch one by using a good rod almost anywhere
In pearl, you start going to the Pokemon league. Battle ALL OF THE TRAINERS on that route and one of them has it. hope this helps