Cinnibar island, Fuschia city, the Pokemon league and two island and the other islands.
You have to use Pokeballs, Great Balls, Ultra Ballsect.Many Pokemon can't be caught in Leaf Green, like Mew unless you go to an event, but all events for Leaf Green and Fire Red have ended.
Use master balls. Use a ton of ultra balls and put them to sleep or paralyze but master balls are your best bet since leaf green is harder than its original counterpart
Or, you could try not cheating and play the game?
GAMESHARK-codes.Pokemon Leaf Green Mastercode00000554000A101DC9B00007830050000000830050020000Have All Pokeballs420259D800010001000C0004420259DA52120000000C0004
Hi. You have to use the gameshark code for it. Hope this helps.:)
You have to use Pokeballs, Great Balls, Ultra Ballsect.Many Pokemon can't be caught in Leaf Green, like Mew unless you go to an event, but all events for Leaf Green and Fire Red have ended.
Use master balls. Use a ton of ultra balls and put them to sleep or paralyze but master balls are your best bet since leaf green is harder than its original counterpart
Go to the Ruins at Pokemon fire red or leaf green. Just use ultra balls... The ruins east of the Day-Care place. It's called Tanoby Ruins
all the legendaries in fire red and leaf green are in ultra violet.
buy over 50 ultra balls and keep chucking them get him to red dont press any buttons hope this helps
Or, you could try not cheating and play the game?
Ultra rod is not available in Leaf Green. The super rod is the best rod in the game.
there is no timer ball in leaf green
8202583c 0001 8202583e 0063
GAMESHARK-codes.Pokemon Leaf Green Mastercode00000554000A101DC9B00007830050000000830050020000Have All Pokeballs420259D800010001000C0004420259DA52120000000C0004
Here is the (M) code00000554000A101DC9B00007830050000000830050020000when you use the code you will have 99 of all balls including (master balls and safari balls)420259D800010001000C0004420259DA52120000000C0004
You can get Pollywhirl in Pokemon Leaf Green in Virdian City.