

Best Answer

The Acekard 2i can be found from reputable shops online that carry genuine cards from verified sources. If you're looking to get genuine cards for your DSi (there are fakes out there), you should do your research online, find a comparison site online and read the reviews.

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Q: Where can you buy the Acekard 2i?
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Where can buy acekard 2i for your Nintendo DSi at best price?

Now, fake acekard 2i come out, please don't choose a cheapest store to buy. You'd better buy the acekard 2i from a professional acekard 2i reseller. You can try at, they are the Acekard Reseller for years.

Where to buy R4i and acekard 2i?

You can buy them from an authorised reseller.

Where can you buy the Acekard RPG?

The Acekard RPG is not manifactured anymore. The official Acekard Team also dropped their support for this card. You should definitly buy an Acekard 2i instead. You can buy them at any official Acekard distributor such as

What is the difference between an R4i card and an acekard 2i?

Acekard 2i is better

Should you get an Acekard RPG or an Acekard 2?

Neither, Go with an Acekard 2i. The Acekard 2i is the Acekard team's current top of the line card, that will work on the DSi and 3DS consoles as well (the Acekard RPG / Acekard 2's can't do this).

Does acekard2 work on dsi?

no, you need to buy the new acekard 2i for it to work on the dsi

You want buy an Acekard 2i from Ebuylifecom?

No that's a fake store - best is to buy from official retailers.

How much is an acekard 2i?

24 to 30 us dollars for Genuine ones available at acekard dealers:

How long does it take for acekard 2i to ship to Illinois?

There's actually a shop located in Chicago dscardworld It will probably only take one day to get to you if you order an Acekard 2i from them.

Is the M3i Zero better than the AceKard 2i?

yes, the m3i zero is better because it is easier to upgrade. You can buy them online. If you can wait some times, you can buy online from China, it will arrive you from China in 10 business days by normal shipping. m3i zero and acekard 2i are very popular. but now, DSi V1.4.3 system released, Acekard 2i updated to work on v1.4.3 after many days, but m3i zero still hasn't released the patcher to hack v1.4.2. Now, both M3i Zero and Acekard 2i can support Nintendo DSi V1.4.2 and 3DS console. It is hard to say who is better. Both of them are popular.

Acekard 2i from UK work on a dsi from US?

Yes they do!

Where can you get an acekard 2?

Your can buy the acekard 2i in some online shops. They used to be sold on sites like Amazon but not anymore. If you're in the US do a Google search for dscardworld or if you're in Europe you can search for nds-gear, you should find what you need. The Acekard 2i cards can support Nintendo 3DS, DSi and DS console.