'Best' is subjective, but from the results of GBAtemp's vote, the Acekard 2i is the best flash cart.
You cannot play DS games with the standard SD card; the SD card is too big. However, if you have a flash card (R4, SuperCard), you can store .nds games in your micro SD card. The flash card will be able to read the .nds game files and you will be able DS games.
Find the packaging for the official website of the flash cart you have. The firmware for it will be on that website.
How about you don't, and just buy games legally, instead? :)- no, I want the HOMEBREW games and apps
pizzatron3000 cart surfer and fishing
There are many different companies the sell rolling utility carts. Quality carts are more expensive and the best cart varies depending on price range.
You have a flash cart?You have to rename the save file to the name of your nds. file
YOU need a flash card like ezflash v
Because, or your cart has problems or your game copy is fake/bad
Revolution 4
I have to say the nindento 3DS
You cannot play DS games with the standard SD card; the SD card is too big. However, if you have a flash card (R4, SuperCard), you can store .nds games in your micro SD card. The flash card will be able to read the .nds game files and you will be able DS games.
Nitro DS
An R4DS is a Slot-1 "flash cart" for the Nintendo DS. A Flash Cart is a device that is used to allows you to play homebrew and games for that system. There are Slot-1 and Slot-2 Flash Carts. Most DS flash carts require a MicroSD memory card. Be careful when you buy a DS flash cart, because some can and some can not read MicroSDHC cards. All Memory cards with 4GB or higher memory are SDHC. There are alternatives to the R4DS, such as the DSTT, Acekard 2, and TopToy.
TT DS is a Flash Cart. Flash Carts can download DS games and much more. You can find out more info online.
You'd probably be looking at the original R4 which is no longer in official production, or a DSTT. Try dscardworld or nds-gear.
The only place you can get a ds flash cart, including the iplayer, is online.
Many reasons but one is, You may of bricked it by running "flash me" and that deletes the firmware and replaces it. If the system turns off during this is will be beicked.