You may be able to find these in places that specialise in keys, for example a key cutter. Sometimes they are sold as souvenirs in gift shops.
You can also find them online at ebay or Amazon.
See the related link below.
kingdom keyjungle kingthree wishescrabclawpumpkin headfairy harpwishing starspellbindermetal chocoboolympialionheartdivine roseoathkeeperobilvionlady luckultima weaponstar seekerhidden dragonheros crestmonochromeFollow the windcircle of lifephoton debuggergullwingrumbling roseguardian soulwishes lampdecisive pumpkinsweet memorieswonder of abysssleeping lionbond of flamefatal crestfenrirultime weaponway to dawnWhat_are_the_keyblades_from_kingdom_hearts
In Kingdom Hearts 2 there are 2 kinds of "Special" Keyblades. The first kind is the Ultima weapon which is a Synthesis item. The recipe can be found in the Mansion at Twilight Town. The second is the Fenrir Keyblade. This Keyblade is obtained after defeating Sephiroth in Hollow Bastion or Radient Gardens. He can be found past the spot called "Crystal Fissure"
you buy elevators in the build section where you buy the stairs.
You can buy them on eBay
umm when you buy a dsi it comes with a charger but you can buy it at game stores
Ebay or Amazon
They aren't real.
You can buy staffs and shields for Donald and Goofy, but not keyblades for Sora.
i think maybe
I belive that there are lifesized keyblades, and that if there are not then there will be next year when i make one.
They were the keyblades of all the wasted masters
If you mean for cosplay purposes, eBay or etsy would be your best bet.
The keyblades, along with the characters and worlds, were designed by Tetsuya Nomura.
The keyblades stand for each of the worlds Sora visit or a memory of Sora's.
There are various Keyblades in the game. Try going to Google Images to look at them.
They aren't real.
they don't exist