The Dranei mount vendor and trainer should be just outside the entrance to the Exodar.
In The middle of Whorl Isle, and on the pathway to Hoof Isle from Appleton. You can also buy them from Stores such as Earton or treeton. ~SunnyRunner ~Brown!
You get to Turtle Isle by taking the boat from Hoof isle docks and that takes you to Shelton on Turtle isle :)
Talk to Patsy on Lava Isle. He will send you to Igneous Isle. Then talk to Cupid. He sends you to Venus on Magma Isle.
There isn't a Hare isle on Horse Isle 2, only Horse Isle 1, where you get to it from Earton dock.
from the last Sand Isle
Yes it does.
Dranaei live on Azuremyst Isle. It is north of Kalimdor. To get there from Stormwind, you have to take the boat from Stormwind to Auberdine, and then another boat from Auberdine to Azuremyst Isle.
From Azuremyst Isle, walk or take a flight point to the Exodar. Find the mage trainer, where there's a portal to Darnassus. Take the portal, which will lead you to Darnassus' Temple. Go out the exit and move forward to the bank, where you turn to the pink portal to the left. You will arrive at the docks - take the boat to Stormwind from there.
If you are a dreanei you start there, but if you are something else there is a boat in darkshore that takes you there. If you are walking down the dock from darkshore, it's the one that's straight from the inn.
William Mount - Isle of Wight MP - died in 1869.
William Mount - Isle of Wight MP - was born in 1787.
Dry Isle
Time in @mount and buy
Low level crabs can be found all over Azeroth. Durotar has them around the Echo Isles and their level is about 2-3. Azuremyst Isle has crawlers (crabs) just east of Odesyus Landing, and around the East coast of Silvermyst Isle. There is also crabs under level 20 in Ghostlands, Darkshore, Westfall and Ashenvale.
At Walmart in the asian food isle
buy daw are stpid