Hyper Beam.
There are nine Pokémon moves that have "beam" somewhere in their name and those moves are SolarBeam which is a Grass-type attack, Ice Beam which is an ice-type attack, Signal Beam which is a Bug-type attack, Aurora Beam which is an ice-type attack, Psybeam which is a Psychic-type attack, Bubble Beam which is a water-type attack, Simple Beam which is a Normal-type move, Hyper Beam which is a Normal-type attack and Charge Beam which is an electric-type attack.
what's a charge beam anyway!
Charizard cannot learn Hyper Beam naturally but it can be taught it via the use of a Hyper Beam TM.
Luxray does not learn charge beam by itself, you must use TM57, which holds charge beam, on your Luxray.
you can see the beam a lazer by shining the lazer at a wall with the lights turned off then spraying something of a mist over the lazer beam.
Lazer Beam was created on 2005-08-15.
A 1 milliwatt lazer beam can go for up to kilometers (12 miles).
Radiowave + Fire = Lazer
A laser is a device that emits a beam of coherent light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. It produces a concentrated beam of light that is typically used in various applications such as cutting, welding, and medical procedures.
Its width, depth, length the material that it is made from, the points of support
First you need to charge your layzors. Then, shout out SHOOP DA WOOP.
The parts of a balance scale include the beam, the pointer, the pivot point, the pan, and the base. The beam is the horizontal bar where the pans are attached, the pivot point is the central point where the beam rotates, and the pointer indicates balance.
A beam compass is a device for creating circular curves, with a central pivot pin and an outer curb scribing point, connected by a horizontal beam.
A laser beam is usually invisible to the naked eye. However, if there are particles or dust in the air, the beam may scatter the light and become visible as a thin line. Another way to see a laser beam is to use special goggles or a camera that can detect the specific wavelength of the laser.
Small cuts in the plastic cause refraction of a lazer beam to send a code that gives the information
planets get destroyed if they get near the sun or it can be destroyed when a lazer beam shoots it and then a black hole or zombies will take control of the planet