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Luxray does not learn charge beam by itself, you must use TM57, which holds charge beam, on your Luxray.

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Q: What level does luxray learn charge beam?
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He never does. Luxray is a physical attacker, why on earth would you want Hyper Beam on it ??

What level does Pikachu learn charge beam?

Pikachu doesn't learn Charge Beam via level up however it can be taught Charge Beam via the Charge Beam TM.

What moves can luxray learn?

Thunder(Tech machine) Thunder fang bite hyper beam charge beamLuxray can learn thunder fang at level 42, discharge at level 56, scary face level 49, That is all I can remember and having my luxray take in. I beat the elite four with him and my starter only.

Which Pokemon does volkner have?

In Diamond and Pearl, Volkner has a level 46 Raichu that knows Charge Beam, Brick Break, Thunder Wave, and Light Screen, a level 47 Ambipom that knows Shock Wave, Agility, Nasty Plot, and Baton Pass, a level 47 Octillery that knows Charge Beam, Octazooka, Aurora Beam, and Bullet Seed, and a level 49 Luxray that knows Charge Beam, Thunder Fang, Crunch, and Thunder Wave. In Platinum, he has a level 46 Jolteon that knows Thunder Wave, Charge Beam, Iron Tail, and Quick Attack, a level 46 Raichu that knows Charge Beam, Focus Blast, Signal Beam, and Quick Attack, a level 48 Luxray that knows Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Crunch, and Fire Fang, and a level 50 Electivire that knows Thunderpunch, Fire Punch, Quick Attack, and Giga Impact. Most of these are strong moves, and Shock Wave can't miss, along with being powerful.

What moves does luxray learn in Pokemon diamond?

thunder fang tunder discharge c harge beam

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dragonair can learn ice beam any level

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It doesn't learn Ice Beam by level. It is, however, able to learn it through the use of the Ice Beam TM.

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Groudon can learn Solar Beam at level 50.

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it does not learn ice beam in a particular level, but you can teach with TM13 ice beam.

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Lapras will learn Ice Beam at level 31.

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It doesn't learn Ice Beam by level up. It can learn it by TM13 in all generations though.

What moves do luxray learn in Pokemon Platinum?

The moves that Luxray is capable of learning via level up in Pokémon Platinum include ones such as Leer, Tackle, Charge, Bite, Roar, Sparkk, Crunch, Swagger, Scary Face, Discharge, Thunder Fang, Hyper Beam, Hidden Power, Iron Tail, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Protect, Rain Dance, Light Screen, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Secret Power, Shock Wave, Thief, Attract, Charge Beam, Endure, Flash and Giga Impact.