you first go back from heathrome city and where you get the odd keystone go up and go into the house and talk to the girl then the man for berrys and fertilizer.
Talk to the little girl in the berry master's house by Hearthome city
You can't get the Miracle Berry without the Shamin event.
there isn't a berry blender in Pokemon platinum sadly. but instead of making pokeblocks you make poffins in hearthome city just look for a house near the Pokemon fanclub that says some thing like poffin maker place.
The Berry Master is in a house on Route 208 in Pokémon Platinum.
there is no code but if you want a good poffin use an oran berry or a magov berry and stirr the WRONG WAY it is pointing to....... hope that helps
There is no berry juice in Platinum
Talk to the little girl in the berry master's house by Hearthome city
You can't get the Miracle Berry without the Shamin event.
there isn't a berry blender in Pokemon platinum sadly. but instead of making pokeblocks you make poffins in hearthome city just look for a house near the Pokemon fanclub that says some thing like poffin maker place.
I assume you mean Beauty, and yes, they can. the pamtre berry increases it greatly, and the razz berry I think. However, you need to make them into poffins before your Pokemon can use them.
No PKMN on Ruby hold that berry,but on Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, wild Furret,Linoone,and Bibarel have a five percent chance of holding it.
there is no such thing as a shiny berry.
One of the trainers on route 224 has a Drowsee (a psychic on the way to the berry patch. Can't get to it without fighting her.)
The Berry Master is in a house on Route 208 in Pokémon Platinum.
there is no code but if you want a good poffin use an oran berry or a magov berry and stirr the WRONG WAY it is pointing to....... hope that helps
use the walk through walls cheat on the AR. SPOILER: the restricted area is an area that grows rare berry plants!