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If u find some plz be a friend who shares!!

After searching...It's best to go rent / buy games that you have put some research in. I have been disappointed time after time with most ps2 games(Ps3's graphics has improved so much this 2010..impressive). It would be great if Sony could ease our pain after paying for their system and give us at least a classic pack from games they will no longer even sell..So easy, listen to the consumers! or we will jailbreak you lol

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Prototype is a video game one can play on the PS3 system. Prototype is available to download for free on such sites as MFPS3. They offer many games free to download and are listed alphabetically.

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You have to pay to download items that are not free and have a cost. You do not pay to download free items which do not have a charge.

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get your ipod and hook it up to your ps3.Then download the music you want to your ps3 from your ipod.Then hook up your nook to your ps3 and download the music to your nook.

How do you get demos on PS3?

Your PS3 needs an internet connection and you can download demos for free on the PlayStation Network.

Where do you download PS3 songs for free?

Um download them to your computer. Put them on a flash drive or hook your ps3 up to your computer and save away

How do you download PS3 games free?

There is no way to download free PS3 games. The only exception to this is some small PSN games can be downloaded for free IF you have PlayStation Plus. Any site which claims free PS3 game downloads is either a scam or a pirate site (illegal).

Where can get PS1 roms free? has all the ROM or isos that you need all you need to do is download all the parts of the game and you need to download winrar. ask me if you have any other questions.