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the first one is at the stadium where the snacks are, its next to the Pizza,the second one is the white coffee mug on the small table at coffee shop,the third one is the goldfish bowl at pet shop near the black puffle and the dog houses,the fourth one is at the cove,its the water bottle in the shack,the fith one is on the table with the lamp at the book room,the sixth one is in dance lounge,its near the soda can,the seventh one is the sand bucket at the beach,and the last one,the fish in air,is at the dojo,top left fish. Hope I helped!

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Q: Where are the water hidden things on club penguin?
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Probably at schools but not on club penguin if there were any hidden things on club penguin then you would see penguins with stuff that nobdy else has

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well, there are some hidden pins in the yearbooks, you have to click on things, there is a hidden room in the epf,and there are other secrets that you will have to find out by expolring!

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no hidden items in the gift shop in club penguin

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go to you tube and type in club penguin water hunt 2010. It's what I did.

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no there is not

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There isn't a secret room at the cove in Club Penguin

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