The Kimono girls are where Lugia is, very deep inside the cavern. Basically, search for Lugia and you will find the Kimono girls, too.
They are where LUGIA is.
in heart gold go to top of bell tower you meet hoho in soul silver go to whirl insland get lugia
Well you need to go to the kimono girls in Ecruteak city and battle them then you have to go to whirl islands and find the kimono girls there again and awake lugia and then when youve caught it or KO'ed it or whatever then you can cross the water from new bark town to the pokemon leage :)
the kimono girls are in ecruteak city in the dance theater
Go to whirl islands after defeating kimono girls and receiving silver wing..... ******note******* must know surf, flash, and whirlpool
They are where LUGIA is.
Well, Lugia is at Whirl Islands, some trainers, and the kimono girls!
They are hidden unlike the movies
In hawii
All over. Violet to whirl islands
Access to Lugia via the Whirl Islands
the kimono girls? go to the whirl islands and go in the first island you see that is protected by a whirl pool then talk to the monk and go to the bottom
U get there by the moves surf and whirlpool just off olivine city. !
to get to the kimono girls on the whirl islands, you have to 1) fly to cinnawood city 2) go north then surf 3) go to the 2 whirlpool you see and enter that island 4)use flash, from here it is pretty much straight forward
there in the cave where the waterfall is.(explained it the best i could)
In Soul Silver You find them in whirl islands in the cave and in the room where you meet Lugia
The Whirl Islands are all connected but it is a good idea to start at the cave at the lover right-hand corner