Cianwood City
GoldenRod City
Olivine City
Ecruteak City
Violet City
BlackThorn City
Azalea Town
Mahogany Town
Viridian City (But you have to meet the gym leader at Cinabar Island)
Pewter City
Cerulean City
Saffron City
Vermillion City
Fuchsia City
Celadon City
You have to beat all 16 gyms.
sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver
you cant get to the sinnoh region in Pokemon hart gold or soul silver but you can get the starter Pokemon at slip co (i think its called) once you done all gyms and defeated red (the Pokemon with emerald version).
Zorua is a 5th generation Pokemon it is not available in soul silver.
Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver Versions. They all have 16 gyms (two regions).
The answer is... No there are no and i repeat NO hidden gyms on Pokemon soulsilver (but there are more gyms in kanto which you can get to by the boat pass from prof elm after you defeat the champion)
Go to Kanto, beat the gyms, go to Mt Silver and beat Red.
You have to beat all 16 gyms.
He is inside Mt. Silver which you can reach after beating all 16 gyms
Just beat all the gyms. The first one is in Violet City
Beat all the kanthan gyms and go to mt.silver and beat red
you mean the Pokemon center in those orange square building (not the round buildings those are the gyms
Ok well Pokemon soulsilver is the same thing as the old Pokemon silver if you have silver do not get soul silver but the best Pokemon game is comming out end of the year its called bronze, soul silver has 16 gyms because you fly to another region for another eight its very easy i have already finished
To move the guy blocking Mt. Silver , beat all 16 gyms and talk to Prof. Oak
You cant catch him. he is given to you by steven at silph co. after beating all the gyms and the trainer Red, who is at the top of mnt. Silver.