Dragon Fist 3 glitch
try typing iamthemaster and bowbeforeme.
What is the cheats of legend of dragon fist 1
what is the cheatcodes of dragon fist 2 battle of the blade
Dragon Fist 3 glitch
try typing iamthemaster and bowbeforeme.
What is the cheats of legend of dragon fist 1
what is the cheatcodes of dragon fist 2 battle of the blade
you need to have a vip
Ifoundsomething awsome but its not a cheat its a glitch.Call your charater: !@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"><~
go to character editor and write Tao
try typing: instantdeath,wrongmoves,alternative,sendaninjahere,bowbeforeme,iamfong,iamthemaster,and ninjaaxes, ironmonkey
once you've unlocked the character editor you have to name your character tao
There are about 20 cheat codes for Dragon Fist 2. A couple of these codes are, instantdeath will allow you to kill you're opponent in one hit and iamthemaster will allow you to play as the dragon master.