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Jungle Hunting Region, located in the Feldip Hills south of Yanille.

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Q: Where are feldip weasel on RuneScape?
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Where are the feldip kebbits on RuneScape?

They can be found in Feldip Hills, which is where the Great Chompy Bird Hunting quest is started. ~ Asfastasdark

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Back of Gertrude's House; Feldip Hills

Runescape Where is the hunter master?

feldip hills, south east of castle wars

What are feldip weasel clothing really called?

Jungle camoflage gear, they should change the name so people are not confused.

Where do you find crimson swifts on RuneScape?

The Crimson Swift inhabits the Feldip Hunter area beside the shoreline, you can get there quick-ish by Using a Ring of Dueling then teleporting to mobilising armys and Walking to Feldip from there.

Where do people hunt in RuneScape?

Feldip Hills and north of Eagles Peak are two popular hunting spots :)

Where is a good place to train hunting in runescape?

The best spot to train hunter in is the Feldip Hills as it can support your hunting to level 45.

How can you catch a crimson swift in runescape?

In case you are wondering, it is members. You can find them on the eastern beaches of the Feldip Hills. Feldip Hills are just South of Castle Wars. Be careful, though, because on the way there, there is some level 52 Ogres and level 60 wolves.

In RuneScape where do you start hunting?

you start by buying supplies in Yanille, then go south of the Feldip Hills, by the beach. Now you start catching the Swifts. (birds).

Where is feldip hills in RuneScape?

Buy the requirments for mobalizing enimies teleport teleport there then head east past all the troll things you will come across the hunting ground or head a little bit north and you are there.hope this helped.

Does weasel die in the book weasel?

Weasel does die in the book "Weasel" by Cynthia DeFelice. The character Nathan contemplated killing him, but then decides not to. Weasel dies anyhow.

What is faster a weasel or a ferret?

A ferret is a weasel - in the weasel family. There are different types of weasels.