They can be found in Beach Cave! Also, keep your eyes open in Kecleon Shop, they sell them occasionally for 800 Poke'
You make your pokemon eat lots of gummis. It especially helps if you give them gummis that match with the type they are (ex. red gummis for fire-types, blue gummis for water-types, etc.)
All Eggs except the manaphy egg its blue with a big red dot in the middle of it!
Manaphy was not available in Pokemon Emerald. Manaphy was not introduced until Generation 4 games Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Manaphy is unique in that its offspring are Phione that cannot evolve into Manaphy.
you have to go to the surrounded sea and when you get to the end you will find 2 deluxe boxes and an egg. take the egg and you will get manaphy! It only eats blue gummis so if you have some - great! If you don't. go back to a sea dungeon and you will find some. Manaphy goes away but will come back later.
you have to go to the surrounded sea and when you get to the end you will find 2 deluxe boxes and an egg. take the egg and you will get manaphy! It only eats blue gummis so if you have some - great! If you don't. go back to a sea dungeon and you will find some. Manaphy goes away but will come back later.
you have to go to the surrounded sea and when you get to the end you will find 2 deluxe boxes and an egg. take the egg and you will get manaphy! It only eats blue gummis so if you have some - great! If you don't. go back to a sea dungeon and you will find some. Manaphy goes away but will come back later.
You make your pokemon eat lots of gummis. It especially helps if you give them gummis that match with the type they are (ex. red gummis for fire-types, blue gummis for water-types, etc.)
You get a lot of gummis at Marine Resort. If you don't know how to get there, just continue the story until you get Manaphy and he will tell you about it. It's the perfect place to raise IQ! Hope this helped!
you have to go to the surrounded sea and when you get to the end you will find 2 deluxe boxes and an egg. take the egg and you will get manaphy! It only eats blue gummis so if you have some - great! If you don't. go back to a sea dungeon and you will find some. Manaphy goes away but will come back later.
The blue gummis are at craggy coast
craggy coast or use luck! anywhere!
You win the game, get Cresselia and Manaphy to join your team, can recruit Palkia, access marine resort(lots of gummis, including wonder gummis and gunkis),and can evolve your partner and you after you recruit Palkia and have beaten all major bosses(Drowzee up to Darkrai).
I don't think there is a Manaphy on Blue Rescue Team.
If you picked up the Wonder Egg (it's on the last floor) you will never need to go there again.The next day the Egg will hatch in your house. What hatches from the Egg? None other than Manaphy. The game will guide you through the next few steps. Oh and I recommend having two Blue Gummis prepared because you need to give them to Manaphy. After a walk to the beach Manaphy will get sick. You need to go to Miracle sea. When you get to the bottom kill the Gyrados. Manaphy will leave with Walrein. After you defeat Darkrai, Manaphy will come back and join you.
You still need to wait till the end of the game and graduate from the guild and after that you can use luminous spring. then for it to evolve it has to have at least 2 IQ stars by feeding it lots of gummis (mostly orange gummis) and you must have the sun ribbon. if you started with riolu, you cant evolve until after you beat darkrai, recruited palkia and manaphy, and manaphy has to tell you about the marine resort.