You make your pokemon eat lots of gummis. It especially helps if you give them gummis that match with the type they are (ex. red gummis for fire-types, blue gummis for water-types, etc.)
You give them lots of Gummies.
I don't think there is one, but if your Pokemon has maxed out IQ, they'll have the Super Mobile IQ which lets them smash through walls, if that's what you meant.
Become a goast pokemon, use a mobile orb or get the IQ skill super mobile. You can also use a mobile scarf.
Errr,Umm..There isn't IQ in Pokemon diamond. There IS IQ in Pokemon mystery dungeon.In Pokemon mystery dungeon, feed you and your buddies gummies that match their type- blue=water royal blue=flying red=fire yellow=electric black=dark clear=ice white=normal purple=dragon pink=physic green=grass i forgetting anything?...
You have to eat a lot of Gummis and watch your IQ boost. P.S. Find your Pokemon's favorite Gummi to make its IQ boost faster.
If I remember correctly, you must max-out Pikachu's IQ before it can learn Volt Tackle.
yeah it's called get a life
you feed them gummis
You give them lots of Gummies.
Sorry, only Palkia gets this IQ skill, at its highest IQ level :(.
The pokemon's IQ is increased by feeding them gummies. The more they like the gummy, the more the IQ increases I believe.
munchlax learns to use bodygaurd IQ when his IQ is one full star
11 or 12 stars of IQ i think.
High IQ of 6 or more stars.
i think that you need to get their IQ up to four stars
By continuously battling them. To recruit rayquaza and groudon, it is best to be lvl 100, max IQ and only one pokemon. Also have a friend bow from mount faraway.
Keep feeding the Pokemon lots of Gummis until it likes them.