You give them lots of Gummies.
At the minute, no, there is only Pokesav for Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum They might make it in the future, but not yet.
Yes, but only in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
A dungeon is a cave on pokemon mystery dungeon. It is a level with a series of floors/rooms and the object is to get to the end of the dungeon.
go to
You give them lots of Gummies.
helps you get alot more legendarys if you have it in your bag
heart gold,soul silver,diamond,pearl,platinum,pokemon ranger shadows of alamia,and pokemon mystery dungeon exploers of time/exploers of darkness
You can get cyndaquil at Dark Crater after you beat darkrai's team.
At the minute, no, there is only Pokesav for Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum They might make it in the future, but not yet.
arceus,dialga,palkia,giratina and every other legendary (mabey pikachu to)
There are 8 floors. Groudon awaits on this floor. Water or grass-type Pokemon are suggested.
on mine,its automaticilly on,just input(put in)the game and bang!there
when you finish the game you are able to recruit legendarys but for alot of them you need the item friend bow i sugest you look a wonder mail code for it up in google
P5P- FX0& 6W#N +N#T 030T -6FT enjoy
Pokemon cannot be traded in the Mystery Dungeon series.