the first sweet is in the trees ,by the sunbeds, on the beach, by the lighthouse.
the second sweet is in the trees by the snow fort.
the fourth sweet is in the gift shop underneath the Blond wig.
the seventh sweet is in the witches cauldron by the Pizza parlour.
the third sweet is on the iceberg behind the pumpkin stalk.
the fifth sweet is by the piano in the pizza parlour, the sweet is a pumpkin.
I do not know where the other two are! SORRY I wish I could help
Sometimes, there might be hidden emotes on Club Penguin. It's on your keybord. Press E and then another letter or number! Try it!Press E and then:1234567890QWTUIOPDFGHKLZCBNMThat's all the emotes. Here's one for you:☺
a club penguin trainer is a thing where you you can discover all the cheats in club penguin and make your penguin do that cheat.
Penguins hate club penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.
Club penguin Small worlds Kennnedypsjh iutd
The first Puffle introduced on Club Penguin was the Blue Puffle. This Puffle was available to all Club Penguin users, including non-members. Also, the second Puffle on Club Penguin was the Red Puffle. This Puffle was brought by the notorious Captain Rockhopper, a celebrity on Club Penguin. They are a special breed of Puffle, originating from Rockhopper Island. This Puffle too, was available to all Club Penguin users.
There are no candies in club penguin.
it is the viking helmet
club penguin babies are going to die on march 2th 2010 but not banned when the club penguin babies died there wammys are going to forget about them when the club penguin babies died all the penguins will be happy and the club penguin is having a party do you know every year Christmas on club penguin santa clause don't give cp babies toys cause club penguin babies are naughty everyear on march 2th 2010 when all the club penguin babies died there is no more babies in club penguin which means the club penguin is saved Like club penguin would allow dieing new mission hidden mine hidden mine reopens
books in the bookroom
Hi I'm hiwebkinz980 on club penguin. Well the pins are hidden all over the island but there is only 1 a month good luck finding the pins!
The beach, the top of the lighthouse, the snowball forts, the plaza, the pizza shop, and the gift shop.
For the Halloween 2010 scavenger hunt candies. Once you find all the candies you click on the get prize button below the candies. The prize would be a Halloween background. If you need help finding the candies look on another wikianswers page. Good luck! By Fluffy14183
Sometimes, there might be hidden emotes on Club Penguin. It's on your keybord. Press E and then another letter or number! Try it!Press E and then:1234567890QWTUIOPDFGHKLZCBNMThat's all the emotes. Here's one for you:☺
Start at the dock and then go to all the paths leading to other places and there is one there .
You have to get all the hidden coins and complete the book.
How to get all your buddies back on club penguin
go to club penguin and do all the stuff it tells you to do