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The gyms are as follows:

Rustboro Gym - Rock Type

Dewford Gym - Fighting Type

Mauville Gym - Electric Type

Lavaridge Gym - Fire Type

Petalburg Gym - Normal Type

Fortree Gym - Flying Type

Mossdeep Gym - Psychic Type

Sootopolis Gym - Water Type

The names of the gyms indicate the cities they are in. The ones that don't have Gyms are Littleroot, Oldale, Slateport, Verdanturf, Fallarbor, Lilycove, and Pacifidlog. I'm not counting Ever Grande, since that's where the Elite Four are based.

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Q: Where are all the gyms on Pokemon Emerald Version?
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it is not a cheet just beet all 8 gyms

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Wallace, but you can also fight Steven.Wallace is the last gym leader, and is the champion of all gyms, but Steven is the reigning Pokemon Champion, and is the champion of all gyms and the Elite Four, so Steven is the true champion.

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