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In Kanto you bum cheek.


- Monfils

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Q: Where are all the gyms in Kanto Pokemon crystal?
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Where are all of the 8 gyms in Kanto in crystal version?

In Kanto.

Is there 16 gyms in Pokemon Crystal?

Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. Yes, there are the 8 johto gyms and after the Pokemon league you can go to kanto and face their gym leaders who all have powerful Pokemon and are all as powerful as the next. kwl thanks alot

How do you get to silver cave in crystal?

first, you must have finished all the eight gyms in kanto and the pokemon league. After that, you can go to the nearside pokemon league at the victory road then go to the left.

When can you get to MtSilver on SoulSilver?

To get to Mt Silver you have to defeat the Pokemon league and all of kanto's Gyms.

What do you do after you defeat all 8 gyms in Kanto in Pokemon gold?

Talk to Prof. Oak in Pallet Town.

How do you find the TM scale in Pokemon HeartGold?

the TM is called rock climb and you have to beat all the kanto gyms to get it

Where do you get zapdose in Pokemon HeartGold?

After beating all the Kanto gyms Go to the power plant and it is standing right outside

Can you obtain the Kanto starters in HeartGold and SoulSilver?

After beating all 16 gyms, beat red in a battle, then Oak will give you one Kanto starter pokemon.

Which Pokemon game has the most gyms?

Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver Versions. They all have 16 gyms (two regions).

How do you go to silver cave in Pokemon crystal?

Beat all of the gyms in kanto and then go to the professor he will probably give you a pass then go to mount silver.even if he does not give you any thing still go to mount silver any ways

How do you get through the cave in Kanto on Pokemon Gold?

To get through the cave in Kanto Pokemon Gold, you must first beat the Elite 4. Once that is accomplished, you must then beat all of the gyms. After that you need to speak with Professor Oak.

What do you do on Pokemon crystal After defeating all the gym leaders in Kanto?

Go to Mt.Silver and beat Red.