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Beat all of the gyms in kanto and then go to the professor he will probably give you a pass then go to mount silver.even if he does not give you any thing still go to mount silver any ways

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Q: How do you go to silver cave in Pokemon crystal?
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Go to Vermilion city. After that go to the east and you will see digglet's cave. You can get to digglet's cave only in Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Gold ans Silver , Pokemon Crystal , Pokemon Fire Red ans Pokemon Leaf Green,

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first, you must have finished all the eight gyms in kanto and the pokemon league. After that, you can go to the nearside pokemon league at the victory road then go to the left.

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The Silver Cave is located in Mt. Silver in which you can go after you get all the Johto and Kanto badges. In the Silver Cave you can find lots of strong Pokemon and fight the final boss, Red at the top of the cave.

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Well, to go to Diglett's Cave, you have to Vermillion City in the Kanto Region.

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When you get to violet city go to the pokemon center go left then down then you will come up on a place called route 32 and at the end you will find a pokemon center and a cave and thats union cave.

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mount silver cave after you go in go to the left and keep going straight

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