

Best Answer

In the card-jistsu place

At the Cove

In the Mine Shaft

In the lodge attic

At the top of the Ski Hill

That is all I've found so far. Good Luck! Hope you find them all!

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Q: Where are all the eggs on club penguin?
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Where are the eggs on club penguin?

In the pet shop

How do you lay an egg on Club Penguin?

In the snowy island of Club Penguin, penguins don't lay eggs.

Where can you do the egg hunt on Club Penguin?

Anywhere! The eggs could be hidden anywhere. But you do it on Club Penguin, of course!

Where are all the candies in Club Penguin?

There are no candies in club penguin.

How do you get all your buddies back on Club Penguin?

How to get all your buddies back on club penguin

How do you get a in on Club Penguin?

go to club penguin and do all the stuff it tells you to do

What is cp trainer on Club Penguin?

a club penguin trainer is a thing where you you can discover all the cheats in club penguin and make your penguin do that cheat.

Where are the Easter eggs on Club Penguin 2012?

go look on youtube

Where are some eggs in club penguin?

There at the:DojoDockForestPoolMine ShackAtticSki HillSnow Fort

How many people hate Club Penguin?

Penguins hate club penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.

Where do you get the trophy cagnet on Club Penguin from?

To get the Trophy Cagnet on Club Penguin You need to complete all the Club Penguin Missions Hope this helps

What penguin on Club Penguin is a bad penguin?

There are many bad penguins in the virtual world of Club Penguin. There is no way you could name them all.....