well of the professor oaks aids ive found ive gotten some important items like the amulet coin, exp share, and the item finder...im not sure if there are anymore
You can get the Item finder from Professor Oaks in Pokemon LeafGreen. Professor Oaks is found on route 11 just out side of Vermillion City.
all i know there is one at route 11 15 and 16
one of professor oaks aides gives it to you
one of professer oaks aids give it to you.
Its in Pallet Town in Kanto
By beating Brock and then going east until you see one of professor oaks aids and he will give them to you
You can get the Item finder from Professor Oaks in Pokemon LeafGreen. Professor Oaks is found on route 11 just out side of Vermillion City.
all i know there is one at route 11 15 and 16
route 20
give the red scale to professor oaks friend that's in oaks house
in india
only with a event
The Kant Region Pokemon Professer