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all i know there is one at route 11 15 and 16

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Q: Where are Professor Oaks Aides in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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You can get the Item finder from Professor Oaks in Pokemon LeafGreen. Professor Oaks is found on route 11 just out side of Vermillion City.

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one of professor oaks aides gives it to you

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i done this for the crack of it :D

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one of professor oaks aides give it 2 u but u have to have 40 different kinds of Pokemon

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From one of proffessor oaks aides

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Once you have beaten the first Gym,in Pewter City, Professor Oaks Aid will give them to you as you leave towards Mt Moon.

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U cant. You have to trade it from another GBA

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How do you get expshare on LeafGreen?

After you catch a bunch of Pokemon in firered and leafgreen, go to one of the buildings outside of either vermillion city or the one below it that conect up the routes and go to the upper floor and you will see one of Profeser Oaks aides and if you talk to him and you have caught enough Pokemon he will give you the exp share. No need to thank me [:-)

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get 60 in your pokedex and go to oaks lab

How do you go past the guy in dead guy in Pokemon LeafGreen?

go into the vardian city go into the mart ad get the oaks parcel and go to pallet town and give it to professor oak