After you beat Giovanni (The gym leader in veridian city) Talk to him until he tells you that he's disbanning Team rocket and he's gonna go train again. After he disappears go stand right where he was standing and use your itemfinder.Then you'll get the Macho brace.
pansear the fire monkey pokemon
You can't get a Tentacruel by just fishing/surfing in Pokemon FireRed. You have to Evolve a Tentacool (It evolves at level 35).
you have to cheat! you could also try to clone by using the daycare
Arcanine is one of my favorite Pokemon, but you can only get one with fire red or ruby. After you beat the Pokemon league, you can migrate Pokemon from your gba games. Also, if you have fire red in the gba slot, you can find growlithe on routes 201 and 202. If you still can't get one, you could trade for one.
No, the macho brace is something you are supposed to give to the Warden (an old man) infuschia city. If you give it to him he will give you HM Strength.
There are numerous ways i will name them all: Protein ups attack to get it go to the celadon dept store and head to the 5th floor talk to the cashiers and find the one that sells protein. Also there is Iron which highers defense which is also sold at the dept store and same cashier on the same floor, careful its expensive! Also buy 10 of each that is the maximum you can give to your Pokemon although on rare occasions you can use more or less. Now there is an item called macho brace to get it beat Giovanni(the last gym leader) and talk to him until he goes away now stand in the spot where he was and use the itemfinder you will dig up a macho brace, have a Pokemon hold the macho brace then start leveling it up its attack and defense will increase even more but its speed will go down when using the brace but it won't go down negatively what im saying is it will not decrease by 1 point it will either increase by zero or 1. Finally the last harsh method, somehow someway you must have your Pokemon get infected with pokerus its a virus in the game, but it increases there stats drastically, to get pokerus catch ALOT of Pokemon.
i think only magnet can use to boost electric type in fire red
Sharron K. Brace has written: 'Fire on the river' -- subject(s): Fire departments, Fire extinction, Fire fighters, History
lavender town I'm pretty sure
It could be Rapidash or Ponyta.
no sorry but there is no such thing as volcano types in Pokemon but there is a fire type which could be similar
Fire, flying, ice, and there could be some more.
no it cannot, it can learn fire fang but that doesn't make it a fire type at all. it could be a fire type on a pokemon card but not in a game (unless hacked)
i was hoping you could tell me
well monferno is good if you chose him and if not you could try ponyta.any fire type Pokemon will do
You teach a water Pokemon mimic and when a fire Pokemon shoots a fire attack your Pokemon will shoot it to!!