You'll find it in the house near the Warden House in Fuschia City.
Pokemon you can get with the good rod are: TENTACOOL, MARILL, MAGIKARP, CHINCHOU ( under-water ) and CORPHISH.
there is no ultra rod in Pokemon Yellow. the rods that you may obtain are old rod, good rod and super rod.
talk to fishermen. you can get an old rod in the city with LT surge
There is no ultra rod only old rod. good rod, and super rod
In Pokemon Platinum the Good Rod is to the right of Hearthome City. The fisherman on Route 209 will give you the good rod.
Use Good or Super Rod and you can catch it at route 9 or 10
The Good Rod is not obtainable in Pokemon Indigo/UnovaRPG.
Of course absolutely the answer is yes you get mewtwo in the cerulean cave then give him a old rod, super rod,good rod and toss your starter Pokemon. Please believe in me cause when i do that mewtwo became mewthree!!!
Pokemon you can get with the good rod are: TENTACOOL, MARILL, MAGIKARP, CHINCHOU ( under-water ) and CORPHISH.
I suggest you get a rod (Old rod, good rod, super rod) or find HM03 (Surf).
You can use the Good Rod in Pokemon Sapphire to catch Pokemon. To get it, talk to a fisherman on Route 118.
there is no ultra rod in Pokemon Yellow. the rods that you may obtain are old rod, good rod and super rod.
No. You have to use the good rod.
Old rod, Good rod and Super rod
The good rod is unavailable in Pokemon Black and White. Instead, when you start the postgame Looker will give you the Super Rod.
talk to fishermen. you can get an old rod in the city with LT surge
old rod good rod super rod and pie rod