You can also press and hold Command and Tab on your keyboard to minimise the game window. At least this works for me on the MacBook Pro. I hope this helps you!
As Sims 3 requires a Mac with an Intel processor it will not run on a Mac with a G5 processor.
Sims 3 is available for Mac OS X. You will have to buy a mac specific disc though.
You can't. You can only use cheats in The Sims 3 for PC or Mac.
Apple + return
The Sims 3 is on PC, Mac, IPone/Ipod Touch, and Console (PS3, XBOX 360, Wii, DS, 3DS).
Yes because macs are awesome and the sims is awesome so if you like playing Sims and you have a Mac then buying Sims 3 for the Mac would seem like a good idea.
Yes you can install Sims 3 on a PC or a Mac.
As Sims 3 requires a Mac with an Intel processor it will not run on a Mac with a G5 processor.
Yesss!! the Sims 3 is now out and you can play it on a Mac!!
the sims 3 is for the PC, Mac, ipod touch and iphone
Sims 3 is available for Mac OS X. You will have to buy a mac specific disc though.
Yeah, i have a mac and i play sims 3 all the time(:
ON THE IPHONE/IPOD: Yes, Ambitions is NOT an add on. You don't first need Sims 3 in order to play Sims 3 Ambitions. However, the two games can exchange data if you do have both. ON PC/MAC: I believe that Sims Ambitions does require Sims 3 for PC/Mac as it is an expansion pack. However I do not have the PC/Mac version so I am unsure.
You can't. You can only use cheats in The Sims 3 for PC or Mac.
yes you can i run my sims 3 on a normal computer
No not at all it is definitely not worth buying the Sims 3 app is my be amusing for a couple hours but then you will just get bored of it Sims 3 for the mac is much more entertaining and had many more features hope that answered your question