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THIS only works on Pokemon Platinum... Go to Floroma city. Talk to the lady next to a sign. She will give you the flower.

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Q: When you get to the flower paradise how do you catch Shaymin?
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How do I get shaymin at seabreak path in Pokemon platinum?

Get Oak's letter and run across Seabreak path until you are in Flower Paradise and talk to Shaymin battle and Catch it if you like.

Why isn't Shaymin at Flower Paradise?

If you used an AR to walk to the flower paradise then you will not see Shaymin. Nintendo decided to get on top of that ability to just walk to shaymin. You have to get Oak's letter on mystery gift and take it to the guy in Victory Road. He will let you pass and you can go get Shaymin.

Were do you find professor oak in pearl after you see him at palpark?

You can find him if you trigger the Shaymin event, where he asks you to write down the name of a trained that inspired you to open Seabreak Path, which leads to Flower Paradise, where you catch Shaymin.

How do you get the gradicea flower?

You need to have Shaymin in your party while doing this. It only works if the Shaymin was given in an event or you used Oak's Letter to catch Shaymin in it's natural habitat in Flower Paradise so if you just hack it off using a cheating device, it won't work. As soon as you have Shaymin, go to Floaroma Town and talk to the girl near the sign. She will give you a Gradicea Flower. The flower is used to turn Shaymin into Sky Forme without trading it into Pokemon Platnum when you use it on Shaymin. And since it's a key item, you can turn it back it into Land Forme if you want to.

Shamin sky form?

Once you have Shaymin in your party, go to Floaroma town, talk to the blonde lady outside the flower shop and she gives you the Gracidea Flower. Then, give the item (which will be in the Items section of your bag) to your Shaymin and by night, it will have changed into Shaymin Sky Forme. Hope I helped! Oh yeah, you need to have Oak's Letter to see it, and then you have to chase and catch it through Seabreak Path, which leads (yes, the path is veeeery looong so it will be faster to use a bike) to a place called Flower Paradise. Hope I helped!

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Which island is to the right of the resort area on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

The island to the right is where you can catch Shaymin. The one in the southeast is Seabreak Path. The one in the east is Flower Paradise, where you can catch Shaymin.

Where to catch shaymin on Pokemon diamond?

you need action replay to do this as you get a letter from professor oak to go to route 214 and then a bang happens and shaymin comes out of flower paradise

How do I get shaymin at seabreak path in Pokemon platinum?

Get Oak's letter and run across Seabreak path until you are in Flower Paradise and talk to Shaymin battle and Catch it if you like.

Where do you get a shaymin?

Flower Paradise in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum

How do you get a Shaymin in Pokemon plantum?

go to flower paradise

How do you get shaymin on pokemon platnium?

You find shaymin in the flower of paradise. once you get there shaymin will be at level 30. good luck

How do you get shaymin sky form on pokemon pearl?

By tweaking you can access the Flower Paradise. You can catch Shaymin here. After catching it, Fly to Floaroma Town. A woman there will give you Gardenia Flowers giving these to Shaymin will turn it into a Sky Form.

Why isn't Shaymin at Flower Paradise?

If you used an AR to walk to the flower paradise then you will not see Shaymin. Nintendo decided to get on top of that ability to just walk to shaymin. You have to get Oak's letter on mystery gift and take it to the guy in Victory Road. He will let you pass and you can go get Shaymin.

How does shaymin turn into sky?

Depends on the game, dude. Platinum: Go to Floaroma Town (North of Jubilife). Then, talk to a girl outside the Berry/Flower Shop. She will give you the item caled Glacedia's Flower. Then, catch Shaymin in the Flower Paradise. Now, give Shaymin the flower. It will become Sky Form Shaymin now. It also becomes a Grass/Flying Type. To revert it back to normal, remove Glacedia's Flower from Shaymin. HeartGold/SoulSilver: Take your Shaymin to the flower shop in Goldenrod, and you'll get a Gracedia flowe

Can you catch a Shaymin in floroma town on Pokemon diamond?

shaymin is a special event Pokemon, fairly weak, and no you can't. you have to get like oak's letter or somethin and u get teleported to flower paradise. this is what I've heard.

Does the shaymin in flower paradise work in platinum?

Yes that would work...